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Large Animal Services

Field Service

We offer a wide range of primary health and preventive care services to help keep your livestock healthy and productive. Our team will give your animal or herd a thorough checkup and ensure that all preventive health measures are up-to-date.

Specialized Services

In addition to routine veterinary care, Innisfail Veterinary Services provides a variety of clinical and specialized services for large animals including internal medicine, medical imaging, reproduction, surgery, and ophthalmology, among others.


Dr. Rob DeHaan has a keen interest in dairy work and is a herd consultant for about 10 dairy herds and provides herd services and nutritional consultations for an additional 10 or so herds on an as-needed basis. Herd sizes range from 50-450 head. We offer treatment for medical emergency services required within your dair herd.


Innisfail Veterinary Services is pleased to offer beef services to cow-calf producers with herd sizes ranging from less than 50 to about 500 – 1000 head. We have facilities in-clinic or we can provide on-farm calls for many procedures including calvings and cesaerean sections, preg checking, and semen testing. We are also happy to work up and treat medical cases on an individual and herd basis. Additionally, we provide consultation for some small to mid-size feedlots and auction marts.

We can provide you with vaccines and preventive disease control within your herd. there are many products in stock to assist you during spring and fall processing.


Although dairy and beef work make up the majority of our large animal practice, we look forward to providing routine equine services such as colics, laceration repair, castrations, dentistry, radiology, and limited reproductive work.

We offer vaccine and deworming services for your farm, performance, or pleasure horse.

For more information on our equine services, please call the clinic during regular business hours.